Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reef To Outback: 1 month, 2 weeks, 2 days

Time has sure flown by!  Can't believe it's been over a month since I stepped into the heat and humidity of Townsville, Australia.  It feels like it hasn't been long at all yet it feels like I've been here all my odd combination-you can figure it out.

I just got done packing for my two week camping trip to Hidden Valley, Australia (had to pack every single thing I brought with me...downed a whole bag of candy throughout the process due to the stress).  As I was packing everything up I got really sad.  The thought of packing and leaving this amazing place-this great family of believers in just a few months brings great sorrow to my heart.

BUT I will not think about that now, because God has great plans for me in the time that I do have!
It's amazing how much I've learned and been strengthened through this time here at YWAM.  The wisdom and knowledge of the God fearing and seeking teachers from all around the world, that come to Townsville every week to give lectures, amaze me and make me hunger for more.

Here's what's been happening:

Week 1-Orientation... getting to know each other, fun cheesy activities, rules...blah blah blah

Week 2-Identity and Destiny...this was a big week of break-through for me. I'm a pretty insecure person... a lot of the time I just feel so chained down and trapped by them. Going over key principles and truths of how God sees me showed me:

~so many times we walk in these lies we have about ourselves and we forget what God says is true.

~it's so much harder to try to tackle these lies/insecurities alone; that it's a great thing to share with others what I'm struggling with despite what they may think of me afterwards - and truthfully this is what really brings us closer together; finding strength together in our weaknesses.

~not only looking at ourselves with God's truths but seeing others in these truths as well; looking at people through God's eyes.

Week 3-Clear Conscience...

~Was really challenged with the question: "Why do you believe what you believe?"

~I should not write off the things I don't understand... not all things are a mystery; search it out in God's word.

~Set boundaries in my life. I learned that boundaries don't hold me back but protect me and allow me to be free.

Week 4-Nature and Character of God... In this week I got a glimpse of what it means for someone to truly hunger and thirst for God's word - the speaker just engaged me in his love to read and search out truth and wisdom in the Bible.

~Challenged to go farther in my faith; to not settle for less than His best.

~To think for myself; to make my faith my own and make it strong.

Week 5-Relationships

~Before you find the one, you have to be the one ( So true! Sorry guys I've got some work to do)

~Don't assume the worst in people

~Indifference towards people is worse than hate-indifference doesn't even acknowledge the people God values and has great plans for (this hit me like a ton of bricks).

Week 6-Spiritual Warfare

~A question that stuck out in my mind-"If you were the devil how would you attack yourself, how would you try to make yourself fall?"

~Fighting against the strategy of the devil

(I got 17 pages of notes on just this one topic... there were a lot of great things learned this week but I'll stop here).

God has been doing amazing things in my life and the lives of others here at YWAM, I absolutely love it.

I look forward to bringing you all on this journey of walking and growing deeper in love for the one who is so worthy of our praise.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sorry to leave you all hanging!  It's been quite busy here at YWAM.
Can I have a drum roll please.......
I'm going to London!
Shocked? Surprised?  I sure was.
So I know what you're thinking; not only does she get the chance to be in Australia, she's going to London as well....sounds like more of a vacation to me. (at least this is what I feel like some people may think).
But really it's not like that at all, sure I'm enjoying many new experiences (as you can tell if you have me as a friend on facebook) but none of it compares to the amazing growth I've had in my relationship with the Lord.
I would go into detail on everything I've been learning but I have limited time before I go into lectures...but I knew I had to write a little something; again I waited way too long to write a post.
Don't worry though! I'm going to take the time to write one big blog post before the weekend comes, to let ya'll know about the amazing things YWAM has been doing both in my life and in the lives of others.
So back to London.
It's unlike the usual outreach locations missionaries go on--no I'm not going to be saving starving kids in Africa, but it's an awesome opportunity all the same; and just as important compared to if I went into the most secluded area of the world.
Many of you know the 2012 Summer Olympics will be held in London this July so many people from all around the world will be there when I go!  The details aren't set into stone but we'll be partnering with Mega-Cities (their focus is on the problems of the explosively growing metropolitan areas) and doing things like going into schools and sharing my own personal testimony.
That's really all I know for now.
I will bring you more up to date in the next few days!
