Sunday, May 6, 2012

Slum Survivor

I'm alive!
Just made it through slum survivor.
It was a pretty good time!
A rough few days but we all made the most of it.

But really, it was nothing compared to how others have to live.  We were blessed in many ways...from being able to make our slums in the basement to receiving chocolate from time to time. 

Through out a lot of the time I could only think, "I can't wait till this is over."  How sad is it that it's not over for some people; they don't just get to play homeless for a day or two then go to a nice home and have a nice hot dinner waiting for them.  Most of them don't even know when they'll get their next meal.

This was a great humbling experience for me.
How crazy is it that we take even the most little things for granted! 

There's quite a few homeless people here in London I'm excited to have the chance to come along side them, maybe see if my team will give up a meal so we can give it to the people that need it more.

If you have any other ideas on how my team and I could bless the homeless while we're here in London, email me at

While we did Slum Survivor we also had talks on slavery, and how some people have to sell their family members into the sex trade so they can have money to eat.  Before this weekend- if I thought about parents selling their children into the sex trade so they can eat, I would be pretty mad and horrified at the parents; but honestly they don't have any other choice.  It's either that or watch their children starve to death.

It's gut wrenching to think that the basic needs we're so accustomed to having met are forcing people to make horrible decisions, or even leaving people for dead.

This morning I did a Bible study with the kids, the topic:
Slaves to sin or righteousness?
We talked about how sin can really hold us back in life, chaining and restricting us from everything God wants for us.
and what the words, "the truth will set you free,"in John 8:32 mean.

We also did an activity where I gave them peices of paper, and they wrote down sin that enslaves them and keep them from having an even better relationship with God. 
Then I had them write the opposites of what they wrote on another peice of paper, showing them what they can work on day to day to become slaves to righteousness.

Then we put all our papers together, that had the sins that enslave us written on them, and made a huge chain link. 

So often our sins can feel like chains, they restrict us and are heavy burdens to carry.  But God broke those chains when He sent His son to die on the cross so we don't have to forever be chained to sin but to have life and have it to the fullest (John 10:10)
...we then ripped up our chain symbolising that we can overcome anything with God. (John 16:33)

This post has come to its end but before you click off this page and go on with your daily schedule, I hope you'll make your own list of things that enslave you as well as their opposites, and join me and many others on this journey of becoming slaves to righteousness.

humbled and angered to action.

Friday, May 4, 2012

London-Being a Fire for God

It's been a little over a week since I set foot in this amazing place called London. It's absolutely beautiful here, so green and historical!

It feels like such a long time ago that I found out I'd be going to London for outreach, and now that I'm here I feel like I have even less time before it all ends.

We're working with an organization called Megacities while were here.  Basically what it is,is a Christian organization that picks a different place around the world every year and splits the place into different areas.  Then they have different teams come in and take on an area of the place and focus on what God is already doing in this community and what else God wants to do, volunteering and helping out the community in many different ways.

It's been quite easy with the location being London because it's already split into different boroughs (kind of like neighborhoods or suburbs).  My team is working in the borough of Red Bridge, this area is very green and is filled with upper class people.  It reminds me of a little village; filled with little shops, double-decker buses and million dollar houses. 

So far what we've been doing is prayer walking; going around our borough praying for different people or reading our Bibles out loud in public places...just getting a feel for the community.  We've also been to a number of churches and youth groups.

Yesterday we went to these apartment buildings called the Estates, with a guy who does door knocking and evangelizing there. It was quite interesting. This place is known for people commiting suicide by jumping out the windows of the buildings, and is a place where a lot of mentally ill people live. If that didn't freak you out the elevator would.  The guy told us to all squeeze into this small little steal elevator...after the doors had closed we asked if it was safe.  The only response we get is, "I don't really know, be praying."  Long story short...I'm still alive!

There was eleven floors and we knocked on every single door.  The people weren't very friendly or open, but some of us got some good conversations going with some people.

In the next few weeks we'll be working with Street Pastors (Pastors that go out into different areas and help out with the homeless; giving them food, giving out flip flops to the women with broken high heals, etc.  I'm really excited to go out and help out with both the physical needs and spiritual needs of this community.

I'm also going to be buying some chalk soon and going out and making some pictures on the sidewalks to get people's attention and hopefully ask me what in the world I'm doing.  I think it would be a great way to catch people's attention without being all in their face.  I'm curious to see how God will use my art skills.

The people here come from many different backgrounds and cultures, white people becoming more and more of the minority.  The people keep to themselves..but have found if you just step out and start a conversation they open up and it'll be hard to get them to stop talking. 

Also with London becoming more of a Muslim nation it's hard to find devote Christians.  It's not like the U.S.A. where everyone mostly calls themselves Christians even if they don't live like it. 

Materialism is a big problem here with Central London only a forty-five minute subway ride away.  Their shopping stores are HUGE here.  It was very overhwelming my first time going into a store.  It seemed like just a small building but find that it's actually a couple stories up and down, and the prices are decieving since it's in pounds and not dollars.  It would be easy to get caught up in the hustle of buying and buying, and always wanting more.

Please pray for this place!

Right now I'm getting ready to do something called slum survivor with a youth group.  What's slum survivor you ask?
Me, three other ywamers, and some of the kids from the youth group here at the church are going to be making houses out of boxes in the downstairs basement of the Church and living in them until Sunday afternoon (originally we were going to do it outside on the Church grounds but It's too cold and is expected to rain. Personally I would like to tough it out and do it outside but I'd probably be regretting it after a few hours).  We're allowed a sleeping bag, pillow, and our Bibles.  We get three meals a day, but what we get is limited and will be rice or beans. 
Should be quite the experience.
I'm excited to be humbled by the experience, getting a little glimpse at how people have to live.

If I make it out of the slums alive I'll tell you how it all went!

Thank you for all your prayers and support.  Please keep praying.
I believe God's going to do some amazing things these next few weeks


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

For Such A Time As This

Today, as I was pondering over the five hours of sleep I got the night before and the book report I had yet to write I realized I have limited time here in Australia. Five more days and I leave for London!

To tell you the truth I wasn't too fond of the idea of going to London. It's a westernized place, a bunch of others get to experience the people of Papua New Guinea trekking through a jungle (which I would LOVE to do some day), and I have to go to this place that could feel more like a vacation than an outreach.

But God is a loving faithful God, that even through my bitterness continued to show me that the people of London need the Gospel just as much as those unreached people groups hidden in the depths of Papua New Guinea.

Today I overheard some of the girls on my outreach team talking about how cool it is that God is calling each one of us to go to London...even though over half of my team would've wanted to go on a different outreach. Then I hear the words...maybe we're called to such a time as this.

Those words...for such a time as this, brought me back to that December Sunday in my small town church when my mentor and dear friend gave a short sermon on the story of Esther.

If you haven't read the story of Esther I encourage you to do so, it's a great book of the Bible.
For those unfamiliar with the story...there's a part where Esther is taken to this king with many other women in which the King would pick one of them as his wife.
Sounds like a Disney story doesn't it...girls wanting to be princesses and queens.
But I bet it probably wasn't in Esther's best interest to go and be taken by guards, even with the possibility of becoming Queen.
She might've had different plans in mind, different dreams she wanted to live out. I doubt she always had in her mind that she would be a part of royalty.
But she trusted God even after being taken away from her home, and everything she's ever known.

Later she becomes Queen, and puts a stop to the instruction to destroy, kill, and to annihilate her people, the Jews.
Perfect ending eh?

I can relate this to my situation right now... I wanted to go on outreach somewhere else at first, God had a different plan. Just as He had a different plan for Esther and her becoming Queen. And the things He wants to do with me in London far exceeds anything I could ever hope for in a different outreach location.

For I believe He has called me for such a time as this.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

God is good

Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile. This past week of getting settled back at base from camping only to pack everything up all over again has been quite the challenge.

Today I leave on my 3 week minor outreach to Ayr, Australia.  There my team will be doing a lot of children ministry, talking to youth groups, and giving our testimonies in front of churches.  We don't know too much of what we'll be doing because a lot of the time we will be asked to do something last minute.  For example we just got notified we are presenting an Easter program to a group of 130 kids (k-5)tommorow...who have hardly or never heard the gospel before.  Both exciting and freaky.

I'm a little afraid but I know this is going to be a learning experience as much as a teaching experience.

Camping was amazing!
I don't think I've experienced God so powerfully.
Here's some highlights:

  • Quiet times with God as the beautiful sunrise shines through the trees of the Outback.
  • Challenged to go deeper in my faith.  To read my Bible and actually understand what it's saying.  To look at the history, the context in which it's given, to learn and apply it to my life.  It's amazing!! I hunger and thirst to know satisfying
  • God speaking to me so clearly.  Literally would do my quiet time with God, writing down notes on what I was reading in Acts, and jot down some questions.  Then during lectures (this wasn't just one day but every day for a week) the speaker went over the things I had just learned and answered all the questions that had yet to be answered.  It was crazy!
  • Started my inductuve Bible study in Acts, told a friend I was reading it.  She started reading Acts as well and we decided we should go over what we were learning. This is the amazing part...we meet out in the field, me and my friend, to read through Acts together and after an hour we end up with 10 other people!  So for a few days we had a huge Bible study group. SO fun
  • We also had a little miracle happen for us.  It had been raining A LOT the first few days, and at the end of a lecture our speaker informs us that it had rained so much the bridge to get out of the camping site was flooded big time.  We would need to get out soon or else we'd have to fast for a week; but not only that-it was common for it to flood a couple of feet right where we set up camp.  So all one hundred of us split into groups and started praying.  I think God has a sense of humor because the verse that God gave me in this time was Deuteronomy 8:7-10.  And right as we started praying the rain stopped and didn't rain for the next 5 days! We got across the river the next day.  God is good.
  • One other big thing happened during camping.  I'm in the process of praying and talking to my family about it and will tell you all when God says the time is right.
Well I could go on and on but I'll stop there.
I will have my computer in Ayr and hope to update my blog every chance I get.
Miss you all


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reef To Outback: 1 month, 2 weeks, 2 days

Time has sure flown by!  Can't believe it's been over a month since I stepped into the heat and humidity of Townsville, Australia.  It feels like it hasn't been long at all yet it feels like I've been here all my odd combination-you can figure it out.

I just got done packing for my two week camping trip to Hidden Valley, Australia (had to pack every single thing I brought with me...downed a whole bag of candy throughout the process due to the stress).  As I was packing everything up I got really sad.  The thought of packing and leaving this amazing place-this great family of believers in just a few months brings great sorrow to my heart.

BUT I will not think about that now, because God has great plans for me in the time that I do have!
It's amazing how much I've learned and been strengthened through this time here at YWAM.  The wisdom and knowledge of the God fearing and seeking teachers from all around the world, that come to Townsville every week to give lectures, amaze me and make me hunger for more.

Here's what's been happening:

Week 1-Orientation... getting to know each other, fun cheesy activities, rules...blah blah blah

Week 2-Identity and Destiny...this was a big week of break-through for me. I'm a pretty insecure person... a lot of the time I just feel so chained down and trapped by them. Going over key principles and truths of how God sees me showed me:

~so many times we walk in these lies we have about ourselves and we forget what God says is true.

~it's so much harder to try to tackle these lies/insecurities alone; that it's a great thing to share with others what I'm struggling with despite what they may think of me afterwards - and truthfully this is what really brings us closer together; finding strength together in our weaknesses.

~not only looking at ourselves with God's truths but seeing others in these truths as well; looking at people through God's eyes.

Week 3-Clear Conscience...

~Was really challenged with the question: "Why do you believe what you believe?"

~I should not write off the things I don't understand... not all things are a mystery; search it out in God's word.

~Set boundaries in my life. I learned that boundaries don't hold me back but protect me and allow me to be free.

Week 4-Nature and Character of God... In this week I got a glimpse of what it means for someone to truly hunger and thirst for God's word - the speaker just engaged me in his love to read and search out truth and wisdom in the Bible.

~Challenged to go farther in my faith; to not settle for less than His best.

~To think for myself; to make my faith my own and make it strong.

Week 5-Relationships

~Before you find the one, you have to be the one ( So true! Sorry guys I've got some work to do)

~Don't assume the worst in people

~Indifference towards people is worse than hate-indifference doesn't even acknowledge the people God values and has great plans for (this hit me like a ton of bricks).

Week 6-Spiritual Warfare

~A question that stuck out in my mind-"If you were the devil how would you attack yourself, how would you try to make yourself fall?"

~Fighting against the strategy of the devil

(I got 17 pages of notes on just this one topic... there were a lot of great things learned this week but I'll stop here).

God has been doing amazing things in my life and the lives of others here at YWAM, I absolutely love it.

I look forward to bringing you all on this journey of walking and growing deeper in love for the one who is so worthy of our praise.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sorry to leave you all hanging!  It's been quite busy here at YWAM.
Can I have a drum roll please.......
I'm going to London!
Shocked? Surprised?  I sure was.
So I know what you're thinking; not only does she get the chance to be in Australia, she's going to London as well....sounds like more of a vacation to me. (at least this is what I feel like some people may think).
But really it's not like that at all, sure I'm enjoying many new experiences (as you can tell if you have me as a friend on facebook) but none of it compares to the amazing growth I've had in my relationship with the Lord.
I would go into detail on everything I've been learning but I have limited time before I go into lectures...but I knew I had to write a little something; again I waited way too long to write a post.
Don't worry though! I'm going to take the time to write one big blog post before the weekend comes, to let ya'll know about the amazing things YWAM has been doing both in my life and in the lives of others.
So back to London.
It's unlike the usual outreach locations missionaries go on--no I'm not going to be saving starving kids in Africa, but it's an awesome opportunity all the same; and just as important compared to if I went into the most secluded area of the world.
Many of you know the 2012 Summer Olympics will be held in London this July so many people from all around the world will be there when I go!  The details aren't set into stone but we'll be partnering with Mega-Cities (their focus is on the problems of the explosively growing metropolitan areas) and doing things like going into schools and sharing my own personal testimony.
That's really all I know for now.
I will bring you more up to date in the next few days!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Search Me, and Know My Heart

"Search me, O God, and know my heart." (Psalm 139)

These past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions.
There have been feelings of doubt, vulnerability, anxiousness, anger, jealousy, and sadness...but even through it emotions of hapiness, joyfulness, boldness, confidence, gratefulness; the feeling of being alive!

As I sit here in this small cafe on base, I feel totally emotionless...but not in a bad way.
It is today that I surrender everything that I feel, everything I wish, and everything I hope for and give it all to God in surrender to Him.

I think back to the first day when I got here in Australia, and the feeling of doubt that came and engulfed every part of me.  I was NOT happy to be here.
My heart cried to go back to my family, my friends, my mentor, my comfortable little home.
But if there was one thing I learned in this time it is that I cannot do what God wants me to do and still be comfortable, still live in my sin, be led by the emotions that come and go.

If we truly want to follow him there is a question we all must answer:
"Are you in OR are you out."

He does not want us half in and half out, he wants all of us or none of us.
Revelation 3:16
"So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."

I don't know if that hurts you, but it definitely hurts me.
While I've been here I've let my emotions run my relationship with the Lord.
But my heart screams: NOT ANY MORE.
and I hope that will be the cry of your heart today.
This is not easy, it is so much easier to type this out istead of live it out.
So easy to be passive and go through the motions, think that everything I need to know will be given to me so easily.
But there is a fight to be fought, and He doesn't promise it will be easy.
Worth it? absolutely.

In just a few hours I will have to make a BIG decision.
While I'm here I'll be doing a 6 week outreach, in which I will have to pick today
the options are:
~Darwin (Australia)
~Papua New Guinea Trekking team (intense backpacking)
~Somewhere in North Queensland (Australia)
~Papua new guinea+medical ship

To tell you the truth when I saw these options I knew exactly the one I wanted to do, but as I prayed and asked God, He told me something much different, something I was not very happy with Him about.  Okay that's an understatement...I was furious.

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
Although I do not understand why He answered me in the way He did, I will faithfully follow and trust Him.

Today I will die to myself, die to my emotions and live out of obedience, surrender everything to Him.  Choose to live hot for him rather than the lukewarmness I've grown to live in and be fond of.

Search me, God.  Know my heart.  Know that I will follow you wherever you lead.  Have all of me and do with me whatever You want.  You know what's best for me and are in total control, and with that I have a peace that passes all understanding.

Please pray for me and the other ywam students who have to make the big outreach decision today.  We are about to experience God in a very new and very powerful way.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Get Ready, Get Set...

It's been about two weeks since I said goodbye to close friends, family, my home.
But what a journey it's been so far.

After a three hour flight to Los Angeles, a ten hour lay over at a boring international airport, a long fourteen hour flight to Sydney, a two hour flight to Brisbane...phew... and an hour flight to Townsville;
I am FINALLY in Australia.
and get this...
with all the money (yes all $10,000) raised to do Youth With A Mission.
Can I get an amen?!
I am so blessed to have people in my life willing to support me in this great adventure of being led and used by God.  I really can't thank you enough!

Although it's been only a few days ago since I left my small, little, Minnesota town; it might as well have been a few years.
Becuase I've really jam packed years of experiences into this short time.
some of these things include:
  • eating kangaroo
  • climbing a huge, mountenous hill in the rain.
  • doing hands on work on a medical ship to prepare for its journey to Papua New Guinea later this year.  (It's mission is to bring medical supplies over to clean the mouths and teeth of these people with no expense to them; but not only that to show the love of Jesus in a very real, and practical way)
  • seeing a three foot long lizard walk casually in the streets of Townsville
  • fishing without a fishing rod
  • sharing a small, little living space with fifty other girls (in which there are only two bathrooms and two showers-yes please pray)
  • my whole body getting burnt so bad that I could hardly walk without cringing...apparently American sunscreen isn't strong enough
  • finding cockroaches in the shower and on the walls beside my bed, and enduring the screams of the girls when they are found and eventually killed. 
  • have met some pretty awesome people, one of them in which I can already call one of my best friends. 
I wish I could tell you everything that's happened, but the space that it would take up would take one remarkable attention span.

But by far, the best thing about these two weeks has been the whole reason I came to Australia; to learn, to grow, to be challenged, and to be broken all for the sake of the one who died on the cross for my sins. 

I'm not going to lie it's been a rough couple of weeks.  Motivation has been a struggle, learning to live with a bunch of people with different personalities and backgrounds a real challenge, and being on my own for the first time in my life is both refreshing and terrifying. 

But God is bigger than my burdens, bigger than my fears, bigger than how I feel , and He reminds me every day that I'm here for a reason.

Through it all it's been amazing to see all these people here, these people that are just like me in that they also heard the call to be here and trusted in God to provide.  These people that yearn to see His face, that are stepping outside of their comfort zones to step into "God's zone,"
We are just ordinary, common people wanting to be used by God...and I believe He'll meet us right where we're at.
   We have come here from all over the world. 
   Different in so many ways but united in Christ
   whether we're ready or not
   God is saying, "Get ready, get set..."


Monday, January 9, 2012

Only The Beginning

60 hours until I leave for Australia!!
For those of you who don't want to do the math I leave Thursday, January 12th, at 1:00 p.m.
quick update on finances:  I have $9,500 raised right now!  My goal is $10,000 (this will cover all my Youth With A Mission expenses and plane tickets).  Thank you for all of you people who have supported me in prayer and finances!  God is using you, no matter how little or how much you give!! Thank you.

                      Destination: Townsville, Australia

(Just to let you know this isn't going to be a looooong blog post; for two main reasons; One... because it's one in the morning; and two...because I'm going to have SO much to tell you next weekend after experiencing one week with the Aussies)
A lot of people have been asking me if I'm getting nervous.  At first my response was not at all! 

Second person that asked me, my response: no not really, maybe a LITTLE bit. 

Third, I'm going to miss friends and family but I know I'm going to have a great time doing Youth With A Mission. 

after the tenth person, I don't want to leave everyone!  But I will go out of obedience to God.

It's been a struggle, not going to lie.  I didn't think it was going to be this hard to say goodbye to everyone!
But I'm very thankful for this being a hard thing.
If you would have asked me last year if I would get on a plane, fly to Australia alone, and live there for 6 months doing Youth With A Mission, with only two days notice.  I probably would've immediately said yes.

Up till a few months ago, I really didn't have any close friends. 
I had many friends don't get me wrong, but not a whole lot of them were Christians...or they called themselves Christians and didn't live their life like they were.  I had no one keeping me accountable on how I was doing with my Bible reading, and my daily walk with the Lord.  No one who would go out of their way to say, "Hey let's go out to lunch tommorow and let's just talk, tell me how you're really doing."  No one to come along side me and teach me, mentor me on how to grow and walk in the Lord.
As I sit here, tears rolling down my face, I can say God. is. faithful.
I have friends that I can just hang out and joke around with, friends that I can ask to pray for me, or I for them, without feeling akward.
I have mentors who are willing to come along side me and be there for me.  To ask me not the simple; hey how are you doing....but the hey how are you REALLY doing.  Their teaching, guidance, and kindness blow me away each and every day. 
I am thankful for these people in my life.
I love them so much.

A person I care for dearly, and love with all my heart. A lady that has been there for me since I was in junior high told me something very wise today, "life is like a book.  You are starting this new chapter in your life and there are many blank pages to fill, and how exciting is that!  But just remember you cannot write the book in just one day (it takes time)."

Goodbyes and hugs have been the highlight of these last few days before I leave.  Many tears have been shed, many gifts given, many promises to skype, email, and facebook.
But one thing that God has been making clear to me is; Yes I may be saying goodbye now,  and I am starting a new chapter in my life, but this...this is only the beginning.


Monday, January 2, 2012


I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging.  Roughly two months of no blogging is not acceptable, especially when I’ve given out hundreds of bookmarks and letters that are telling you to come read my blog.

I’m going to make a habit of blogging weekly, and I ask that you would keep me accountable in doing that.  If I’m not blogging as much as I need to be I would very much appreciate it if you would send me an email or leave a comment; I don’t want this to happen again.

Although my blogging consistency has been a fail I can honestly and joyfully say that my relationship with the Lord hasn’t.  I can’t even begin to explain all the amazing things that have happened these past few weeks. This has been a season of growing, learning, being bold, new friends, haver friends, accountability partners, and much more.  Just when I think I’m filled to the top with blessings, He says, “No Mariah, I am not limited.  I am going to overflow you so that in part others may be overflowed and blessed as well.”

I use this blog to share with others what is challenging and inspiring me in my life, not to show others how well I can write (which isn’t at all what I am implying. I have Literature Professors and teachers reading my blog posts and I can only imagine all the errors they have seen already as they read this), but I write in hopes that it will also challenge and inspire YOU.   

I am a very visual person.  For me, to fully process and understand things I need to write them down…thus the pen and journal I have sitting beside me as I type this blog post.  Or I need to write things down if I want to remember to do something or else it most likely won’t get done, some of you are shaking your heads in agreement I just know it! 

As I look over the many to do lists, I see the same three words, “make blog post”-something I’ve been meaning to do for quite some time.  But you know how it is, things come up and you say, “Oh!  I’ll do it tomorrow.” –or- “I’d much rather spend time doing this; I'll make time for that another day…” 


Read these song lyrics by Press Play, see if they don’t challenge you as much as they've challenged me.

I’ve got one life to live this life

I’ve got one try to get it right.

I’ve got one try to change a life.

I’ve got one life. One life

My somedays have come and gone.

My somedays before me now.

My todays why I’m alive.

I’ve got one life

One life

Feel a little convicted?  I sure did.

Makes me wonder, have I been waiting for those somedays that need to be happening today? 

As I prepare to leave for Australia, and after listening to the Press Play song a couple dozen times, I here God asking me, “What do you want your life to be about?”  “If you die today, would you have lived a good life, or a life full of regrets and somedays?”

I may not know what I want to major in or career I want to pursue, but one thing is certain- I want to be a servant of God who cares and loves others whole heartedly as He has loved you and me.  I want to encourage and inspire those around me with my words and actions for His glory.  I want to be used by God to change lives.

This starts today.  It doesn’t start when I arrive in Australia, this starts here and now.

If you haven’t noticed already I love using videos and music on my blog.  If you haven’t watched any of the videos so far (don’t worry I’m not offended) I encourage you, I challenge you, I pray that you would watch this one.

